Hello! It's been a while, well that's because I've been studying and then taking tests for the past few weeks. Taking exams when you are homeshooled is way different from my expirience in traditional school. And here is why:
In traditional school, the teachers decide which exams you take first, but in homeschool, you decide which exams to take first (Neat, isn't it?). Another thing is that the teachers always say: "Cover your papers and don't copy your seatmates' answers." in traditional school. But if you are a homeschooler, you are the only student in that year level, so you can't copy from anyone haha (Hey, what? It's called being honest!).
I also love that fact that there is no pressure in taking exams at home, no short time limit too unlike in traditional. It's more relaxed just like studying, so you understand and absorb the lessons even more. Oh, I have to go, we're checking my papers in a bit and I want to know how I did. Catch you later, alligator!