Hey, everyone! My mom got me a copy of Roald Dahl's The BFG. And I've also watched the new movie based on it. Now I will share with you the similarities and the differences between them.
Of course, the main scenes and events are similar and, uh, I don't like using grown-up, ever-so-complicated words, because I'm NOT a grown-up so I'm not gonna use them. Okay, anyway, the first difference is how the bad giants ended up in the end of the story. In the book, the terribly ugly giants were placed in a terribly deep pit and were doomed to eat terribly disgusting snozzcumbers for the rest of their life. But in the movie, the terribly ugly giants were thrown into a terribly deserted island, and were doomed to eat terribly disgusting snozzcumber seeds for the rest of their life. I also noticed that in the book, there was no frobscottle at the Queen's, so the BFG whizzpopped, or farted on his own. But in the movie, he brought a bottle with him, and gave some to the others. So, everyone else whizzpopped too. Also how the end ended. In the book, Sophie teaches the BFG how to read, write, and speak properly. But in the movie, that didn't happen.
I hope you liked this! And HAPPY READING!
I hope you liked this! And HAPPY READING!