Hello, everyone! Today I will be sharing one of my favorite websites, Scratch!
Scratch is a website where kids can make their own games, stories, and animations with easy-to-learn computer programming!
I was first introduced to Scratch through a learn-to-code book that my parents got me since they knew I enjoyed computer coding. Before, I've coded tons of batch files and fake viruses on the family computer. Once I got on the website, I was very excited since this was a site where I could code my own projects, and see and remix the projects of fellow scratchers. There are many different projects you can create using Scratch and you can even make professional-looking ones. There are tons of Scratch tutorials on YouTube that can help you out with the more advanced codes, with Funut Tutorials being my favorite channel. All in all, this website is a great starting point for kids who want to learn to code and I highly recommend it.
A good Scratch game you should check out
My latest project